2030 Program
Phase 1
We invite you to submit your views in response to the following questions:
What are the key challenges and opportunities for meat science toward 2030?
How do we harness meat science and related expertise into the future?
Please submit online here at Meat Science Toward 2030. We welcome responses until June 30th, 2018.
Phase 2
Review of all submissions
The submissions will inform the setting up of a GLOBAL MEAT SCIENCE EXPERT GROUP and high level discussions within this group when convened in Phase 3.
Phase 3
Convening of the Global Meat Science Expert Group for a 2-day meeting (location to be advised).
It is anticipated that the outcomes of this meeting will include agreement on high-level strategies that address the identified challenges and opportunities out to 2030. These will include potential strategic approaches to encourage collaborative application of global resources and development of research talent together with an acceleration of knowledge transfer through enhanced industry and research interaction.Members of the Meat Science Expert Group will receive funding towards personal time spent and travel.
For information about AMPC please visit www.ampc.com.au
For Information about this initiative and submissions please contact us:
Rod Polkinghorne
Ph: +61 (0) 410 300 905
Email: rod.polkinghorne@gmail.com
Judy Philpott
Ph: +61 (0) 415 245 841
Emai: judith.philpott@gmail.com
Elizabeth Wilcock
Ph: +61 (0) 410 690 819
Email: elizabeth@foodandvetservices.com.au