Judy Philpott
As a cattle producer with partner Rod Polkinghorne she was involved with developing and running a branded ‘Paddock to Plate’ business adopting the latest MSA technology. This business pioneered sophisticated MSA application and integration in a complex supply chain.She has a marketing degree and has been involved for many years with eating quality research trials, consumer sensory testing and the communication and application of beef branding and marketing concepts based around eating quality. She has also been working internationally with UNECE, ICBF, PBA, INRA, TTU and AFBI on collaborative projects including establishment of an international foundation to provide a structure for global eating quality data accumulation and analysis.
Polkinghorne, RJ.. Philpott, JC,. and Thompson, JM (2018). Do extended transport times and rest periods impact on eating quality of beef carcasses? Submitted to Meat Science, Dec 2017
Polkinghorne, RJ., Philpott, JC., Perovic, J., Lau, J., Davies, L., Mudannayake, W., R Watson, Tarr, G. and Thompson, JM. Does packaging impact on consumer eating quality of beef? Submitted to Meat Science, Dec 2017
Polkinghorne, R., Philpott, J., Gee, A., Doljanin, A., Innes, J. (2008). Development of a commercial system to apply the Meat Standards Australia grading model to optimise the return on eating quality in a beef supply chain. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48, (11), 1451-1458.
Stuart Hume
Stuart is an IT specialist who was the principal software developer and manager of the Australian NLIS electronic animal ID and movement database. He spent time in the UK developing an electronic livestock identification system and is the developer of the Birkenwood software system. He is currently involved in database management and software development running a team of 90 programmers. Stuart has had extensive contact with eating quality systems over 10 years and is skilled in software adaption.
Dr Garth Tarr PH.D Bsc (Hons) BCom
Garth is a lecturer in Statistics and Data Science at the University of Sydney. He has a PhD in Mathematical Statistics specialising in robust statistics and model selection, both of which are ideal matches for working with high-dimensional, complex data resulting from agricultural experiments. He is the statistical and methodological advisor on Meat Standards Australia Pathways Committee, the pre-eminent red meat science research and development committee in Australia comprised of academics and industry representatives. He works with Dr Ray Watson on MLA projects analysing red meat trial data and MSA prediction modelling.. He also delivers “Analytics for Industry” workshops designed to help companies in the pastoral and meat processing industries better integrate and analyse the large amount of data they collect.
Professor John Thompson
A leading Australian meat scientist recently retired from the University of New England, John has been actively involved in MSA research and application since 1996 and was a key scientist in the Beef Cooperative Research Centre (CRC). He has published over 100 scientific papers and developed and delivered the MSA meat science course material. He is a very active researcher heavily involved in direct industry research and advisory roles in Australia and Korea together with extensive international experience in USA, Northern Ireland, France and South Africa. His publications cover a wide range of topics ranging from animal production issues (breed growth path), processing factors (tenderstretch, temperature at pH6) that impact on eating quality to consumer sensory research.